1. What is the relationship of you and her/him?
Chuan Chiang - know him since secondary school always be the class monitor
Su Jean - Knew her since primary school ~
2. Your 5 impressions towards her/him.
Chuan Chiang - Talkative, Playful, During Brass Band Damn Yeng!, Friendly, Macho !
Su Jean - Friendly, Guai nui, Damn Yeng in Brass Band Also !, gentle, pretty ^^
3. The most memorable things she/he had done for you.
Chuan Ciang - Bring me go makan at Wangsa Maju
Su Jean - Watch me grow up and keeping in touch with me ( that is enuf ^^ )
4. The most memorable things she/he have said to you?
Chuan Chiang - addoil studying in KL ~
Su Jean - Wished me " Happy Birthday & Best Wishes " during my bday
5. If she/he become your lover, you will...
Chuan Chiang - Turn into a homo !
Su Jean - hhmm..impossible la..XD
6. If she/he become your enemy, you will...
Enemy = Friend xD wont do anything la..
7. If she/he become your lover, she has to improve on...
8. If she/he become your enemy, the reason is...
No idea ~
9. The most desirable thing to do on her/he is?
Chuang Chiang & Su Jean - Read their blog ! xD + Hang out ~ Yam Cha ~
10. The overall impression of her is...
Chuan Chiang - Friendly Guy
Su Jean - Friendly and appreciate friends
11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
Funny ? gua =x
12. The character of you for yourself is?
Naughty, Funny
13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
Lazy ~
14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
No Idea..
15. For the people who care about and likes you, say something about them..
Thanks ALOT ! Take care too ! =)
x Tag ~