Damn.... Really sux without my SE C902 !Using the stupid N-Gage now..every button also hard to press..sms till hand pain..ARRGG !! why why why ??? why so unlucky ?
APIIT UCTI First Inter College Danze2NistA Competition held in APIIT ! Me and my crew participated this event as well ~ We trained for 1month ( got 偷懒 abit lar.. ) but afterall..it is worth ! =D Many things happen during our training..
1. Zhen Goh quarreled with the security guard in Vista Block A because the head of security some indian fella dont let us use the GYM for dancing purpose. He even took Zhen Goh's photo to scare him! During training, we used Zhen Goh's laptop to play music..he said we "steal" electricity ! WTF ? =.="
2. Few days before the competition, we finish training too late and there is no LRT available..that time Zhen Goh's car happen to have some temperature problem..but no choice lar..for some reasons Zhen Goh still need to fetch CEO and Jia Han back to Subang there..half way, Zhen Goh's car temperature start to rise..then we decided to YamCha at Asia Cafe to wait for his car to "cool down" ! After order some drinks, me and Zhen Goh went in to AC ( Cyber Cafe) to see see...then we saw 2boys play till very "GEK DONG" 1 of his friend shouted " LAST HIT ARRHHH !!" *very loud* and the other friend say "sorry sorry..." *very scared* funny daoooo ! 3. After YC at Asia Cafe, then fetch CEO and Jia Han back..after CEO went back, on the way to Jia Han's condo..Zhen Goh's car overheated ! We stop by and repair his car...until..3am ? 4am ? I dont rmb d...
4. Next day, we trained again at the GYM..then closed at 10pm..we went to Zhen Goh's apartment to train..from 10+ until 2am ! Guess what.half way during training, someone knocked the door very loud! Zhen Goh went to open..then kena scold GAO GAO ! " Now what time? Why you guys making so much noise ? Do u know your floor is my ceiling?? People want sleep u making noise ! Warn u ! I will call the police i tell u ! " then we continue dance...try not to make so much noise already...then suddenly the security guard knocked the door! we quickly turn off the lights and keep quiet..but..WEI LOON !! he freaked out and make noise while he want to hide in the room! the security saw him and warned us to open the door..then akinomi go open the door..kena warn again =.="
5. During the performance I droped my handphone..and some idiot stole it! What can i say ? f**k y*u la ? huh !
This is the pre-round performance video ! Hope u can enjoy =)